We’ve been Amazon Prime members for many, many years.
The free shipping offer is what first attracted me to Amazon Prime, and the added services are just gravy.
I especially love the Kindle eBooks and video streaming services!
Amazon just makes our lives easier in so many ways.
I can shop last minute and know it will arrive same day or the next day.
I save lots of money with free shipping, coupons, discounts, and credits on digital items. And saving money is good stewardship!
While I am not pleased with the creator of Amazon, there just isn’t another service that compares. I think many of us are in the same boat and can’t often find the products we want or need in local shops or prefer delivery. This last year has surely highlighted how much we rely on quick and frugal delivery services.
How to Get the Most Out of Amazon Prime:
1. FREE Two-Day Shipping on so many items.
You can even get same-day delivery! (Free on qualifying orders in certain cities.) Prime Now is expanding to even offer 1-hour delivery!
I love getting free shipping. We buy almost all of our homeschool materials like books and manipulatives on Amazon. The free shipping saves us so much money! I use AmazonSmile to donate to my favorite charities.
2. Unlimited, ad-free access to millions of songs.
I admit that I don’t use this service to the fullest extent, but I’m looking into this more.
3. Instant streaming on thousands of movies and TV shows with Prime Video.
We love streaming TV shows and movies – many of which we can’t access on another popular service. This is a great resource for our weekly family pizza and movie night! I often get digital credits if I choose slower shipping on items I don’t need right away.
4. Free unlimited photo storage in Amazon Cloud Drive.
I’m looking into this, but I still like control of storing my photos on a portable hard drive. We’re running out of room though!
5. Read FREE eBooks each month through Kindle First, Prime Reading, and Kindle Unlimited.
I can’t express how much I love the Kindle eBooks services! I was very reluctant to do eBooks in the beginning. I love real books too much. But the portability and borrowing FREE eBooks allows me access to so many more books! We use the reading app on the computer and our iPads. Also, Amazon Kids+ (formerly FreeTime Unlimited) seems neato.
6. Early Access to Daily Deals!
New deals: Every day. Shop the Deal of the Day, Lightning Deals, and more daily deals and limited-time sales. Use HONEY to check the deals you want for price changes!
7. The Amazon App
Great for on-the-go and video streaming. I love downloading shows for when I’m waiting somewhere or traveling. You can set notifications for your needs. I love the shipping and delivery updates.
8. The 1-Click Purchase setting saves time!
Amazon Prime members with this setting activated automatically see special buttons on the detail pages of eligible products showing Amazon Prime shipping options. Most of the time you’ll see special buttons for One-Day 1-Click and Two-Day 1-Click – FREE. These settings save your address and payment options. Obviously you have to make sure you keep the setting updated and the kids don’t accidentally purchase something!
9. Games, Smart Home products, Kindles, and more.
We love Prime Book Box. Have you checked out Prime Try Before You Buy yet? There are grocery services, subscriptions, coupons, and even more deals. Amazon products are cutting edge. Amazon is truly one-stop shopping!
Shop NEW and EXCLUSIVE products FIRST every year with Prime Day in June! ***Use HONEY to track price changes in your wish list.***
GREAT deals on books, electronics, Prime services, and MORE!

Amazon Prime is only $119 for one year.

Amazon Prime members can share certain Amazon Prime benefits with one other adult and children under age 18 by forming an Amazon Household.
See all the FAQs and benefits.
Check out Prime Pantry, a service for members in the contiguous U.S. for low priced grocery, household, and pet care items for a flat delivery fee of $5.99 per box and Amazon Elements, Amazon’s own line of everyday essentials. This a great deal that pays for itself very quickly.
Also, check out Amazon Family and Amazon Prime Student.
Amazon Mom gives special offers and age-based recommendations to Prime members with young children. Prime members get 20% off diapers subscriptions!
Amazon Student members only pay $59. Get exclusive deals and promotions just for Students!