I wanted to take advantage of the last warm day of the remnants of summer. We visited Wheeler Farm.
Alex begged to feed ducks from the moment he woke up. He was like a broken record. He knew something was up.
He was so upset when we drove by “the duck pond.” (Doesn’t every town have one of those?)
I assured him he would feed the ducks, but he wasn’t accepting that because, apparently, there’s only one duck pond in the whole world.
He was finally happy when he saw the ducks and geese. Really, he was happy.

Wheeler Farm has trails you can walk or bike. They also have tractor-pulled wagon rides. Along the trails are old farm equipment, perfect for picture posing.

Alex thought this old wagon combine was the greatest thing ever.

They have this ginormous box elder tree and the kids played in it for about half an hour. It was awesome.

Tori loved it and wants a big tree of her own.

Kate enjoyed exploring all the little nooks in the big tree.

The farm has all the typical animals you should find on a farm. Horses, pigs, chickens, turkeys, rabbits, cows (even 2 Highland cows!), sheep, and goats.
Alex adored this particular goat and didn’t want to leave her.

And, we got to milk a cow! Isn’t she lovely?

We got to see the calf get fed a bottle.
Tori was the first milker. Out of the whole barn. She was so proud.

I thought Kate would be more excited since she’s obsessed with cows. I think she likes the idea more than the real deal.

I milked her too.
Alex wouldn’t even walk up with me.
It was a fun day. And it was free admission! (milking costs $1 per person)

Looks like a fun place and I loved the pictures of the kids in the neat looking tree. We have a place like that around here it’s called The Farm. They have old looking things which are great for pictures and only difference is kids can feed baby pigs bottles and milk a goat.