Our church youth group went on a hike up to a waterfall. I came along too since it was just our pastor, the youth pastor, another man, and a boy. Liz would’ve been the only girl!
Looking at the map of the trails.

It was very steep and sandy and getting hot quick!
at the bridge about 1/3 of the way up

I just look…pink.

Lunch break. These two are currently our youth group.

A fun “cave” to explore.

lovely purple flowers…they’re nightshade.

the rocky surface of the waterfall area

The waterfall just trickles down over the rocks, but it’s still really pretty.

Liz at the base of the waterfall. slippery!

The view from the waterfall grotto.

and I only fell twice coming back down. It was sandy and I skidded. No injuries.
And was I sure sore the next day!

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