You might think I’m quiet, shy, timid.
Or maybe arrogant, critical, unapproachable, intimidating.
But often…
I just keep my mouth shut so I don’t appear foolish.
If I open my mouth, I might remove all doubt.
I’m observing. I’m learning from your mistakes. I let others go first to analyze the situation.
I’m silently judging your grammar.
I appear over-confident and strong but inside I’m cringing at my own selfness.
My INTJ personality often paralyzes me in fear but it’s really not your fault.
But I might still blame you.
The constant rattle of noise is overwhelming at times and I just need to be alone.
Chit chat and small talk bore me. Having to listen to my children tell me about an event with all their stops and stutters and rabbit trails is the worst form of torture to me as I remember to nod and mm-hmm at all the right places, while I seek any form of escape.
I have a talkative husband and a few loquacious kids.
I know I should be better at communication.
The good?
I teach my kids to be concise in their speaking and writing.
The bad?
I don’t really want to hear about my husband’s day.
The ugly?
I know if I don’t listen to their words, they will find someone else to tell.
I pray that I can validate my family’s words.
Lori says
It’s nice to read that I’m not the only one that thinks this way about communication. I’m more at peace when I’m on my own, but it doesn’t mean I always want to be alone.