I really love the innovative designs offered by Moo Cards.
They’re perfect little networking cards for WAHMs and Bloggers.
NEW MOO MiniCards – great new features available now!
I first saw them last year at the Allume conference and then again at an essential oils convention.
Here are the ones I ordered.
I went simple. Just my URLs, photo, name.
On the back, I chose the Seth Godin quotes. Love. {Have you read Seth Godin’s books? Life changing!}
Moo Cards offers a gazillion (ok, maybe not quite) designs of mini cards and regular business cards, along with stickers, postcards, and other fun paper products. You can even upload your own design. Also, there are options for matte or glossy, curved corners or straight. Those are additional costs. I just went with basics. And I like them!
What do you think?
Stand out in a crowd with NEW MOO MiniCards – 100 unique mini-calling cards with new some great new features!