Summer’s arrival rings in the travel season, but this year, things are a little different. The coronavirus pandemic has many rethinking their plans. Even as economies across the U.S. and around the world are beginning to open, for a lot of people, there is a great deal of uncertainty about how safe it is to take a vacation.
While airlines, trains and cruise lines are still in operation, most are functioning on drastically reduced schedules. Car travel is an option, but it does require frequent stops to use public facilities, potentially in virus hotspots. These modes of transportation might make the idea of a vacation a little less appealing. Never fear, there is another choice.
RV Travels
If you are still itching to get out of town, now is a great time to hit the road in an RV. Sales for recreational vehicles have skyrocketed during the pandemic, as many realize the benefits of owning one at a time when other options feel riskier. Before you buy, however, you might want to consult a financial planner, like Robert Ryerson, who can help you determine if the investment in an RV is right for you.
Safety First
When you travel in a motorhome or haul a trailer, you carry virtually everything you need with you, including the restroom, your food, and a place to lay your head at night. Traveling across the country in an RV reduces your risks of exposure during your journey. Between home and your destination, the only time you really need to get out is to fuel up.
Staying at a campground is safer than a hotel, especially when you are in a self-contained unit. Unless you opt for a camper van, popup or truck camper, chances are your RV will include a shower and toilet. This means that you and your family will not have to worry about accessing the facilities at the campground. As an added bonus, meeting new people is safer when you are outside and can easily stand six feet apart!
So Many Choices
During the first few months of the coronavirus pandemic, stay-at-home orders left many feeling confined and isolated. If you are ready to burst out of the four walls of your home, an RV offers freedom. While many states saw different levels of campground closures, most are now re-opening, though there still might be restrictions involved. For instance, you can expect pool closures in a majority of locations.
The type of trip you want will help you decide where to park your rig. Whether its the mountains, high plains, desert or coasts calling your name, an RV can take you there. From private resorts to State and National Parks, your options for places to stay are virtually endless. Just be sure to call ahead and reserve your spot, especially at the more popular locations.
The pandemic is changing the way many people live and travel. If you want a vacation but are hesitant to embark on a traditional car trip or cruise, and you are reluctant to fly, an RV is a great choice. For those who aren’t prepared to buy, renting is always an option. Beware, though, you might just get hooked on the freedom you experience when you travel in a house on wheels.