I was so excited to meet Denise Eide at Allume and sit with her at dinner one night!
We both share a love and fascination for language and she offered her curriculum, Logic of English, to me to review.
This is an extremely comprehensive program and I am very impressed with all the research and hard work that Denise and her family put into this. It is quite amazing.
As a former English teacher, I can tell you: this program is all you’d ever need for a language arts program with your students or children. It covers reading, spelling, handwriting, grammar, the works!
Read about how the curriculum is structured in three parts at their website.
While my girls are at different stages and we can’t utilize some aspects of the program at this time, we do love some of it right now and I plan to use the games and supplements with Tori and Katie next year.
Elizabeth is mostly beyond most aspects of the curriculum, but the grammar cards are perfect for her Latin review. I love how advanced some of them are! They cheer this little grammar girl’s heart!
Liz reviews advanced noun cards.

Tori and Kate’s favorite aspect of the program right now is the cursive workbook. They practice the directions with their fingers and then practice the letters with a pencil. The directions refer to baseline and midline. They really get it. Better than any other cursive workbook I’ve found. We like simple.

The reading program is a bit advanced for them (especially for Tori) right now and we’re already halfway through another curriculum this year, so I plan to hold off and pick it up when we’re finished with that other one. I love that the curriculum uses phonetic symbols on the flashcards. Kate can read the cards on her own and understands them and loves it! I plan to introduce the grammar cards to the girls very soon and get some basics down for them.
Alex and the girls love the book Doodling Dragons! Even though they already know their letters and sounds, it’s fun!
I am extremely impressed with all aspects of this curriculum. It works with classical and Charlotte Mason style education perfectly, with memorization, dictation, and narration aspects. I look forward to utilizing it to the fullest extent.
Also, check out these new products!
Foundations Phonics A-D
Phonics With Phonograms
A fun, effective phonics recognition game that eliminates exceptions and provides a complete picture of the phonograms needed to read and spell!
Buy the Phonics App!
The girls really like the workbooks and knock out a lesson almost every week. We refer back to the flashcards for review. This is a complete English Language Arts program that helps my girls analyze phonics and learn to read well.