A super fun and frugal craft for kids and teens to make!
DIY bath bombs with oatmeal, rose, and lavender.
Also perfect gifts for Mother’s Day!

These bath bombs smell great. Lavender and rose are my favorites.
My kids made me adorable cards with teacups, coffee cups, and pretty fans for Mother’s Day.
My kids love the fizzy bath bombs too.
- 1/2 cup Citric Acid
- 1 cup Baking Soda
- 1/4 cup Quick Oats
- 10-15 drops Lavender Essential Oil
- 5-10 drops Geranium Essential Oil
- Lavender Petals
- Rose Petals
- Witch Hazel (in a spray bottle
- Bath Bomb Molds
1. Sift citric acid and baking soda into a large bowl. Sifting removes any clumps ensures a smooth consistency in the bath bombs.
2. Pour oats into the bowl and stir. Next, add essential oils and mix well. I find that using my hand is far better than a spoon since I can break any clumps with my fingers.
3. Spray the mixture with witch hazel until it reaches a slightly damp consistency. What you’re looking for is the mixture to hold form when you squish it into a ball in your hand.
4. Add flower petals to one half of the bath bomb mold. Fill with bath bomb mix.
5. Add more flowers and more mix to the other half.
6. Squeeze halves together firmly.
7. Carefully, open the mold and tap ball onto a drying area like plastic wrap over a towel. Let dry completely for a few hours.
8. Wrap in a pretty bag with ribbon for gift giving!
These can also be made in muffin tins or ice trays instead of bath bomb molds.