When my kids were very small, we had monthly themes on our bulletin board, for our homeschool lessons, and to order our daily lives.
As the kids get older, the themes aren’t quite so vivid. I enjoy the liturgical calendar, the natural cycles of the world, and celebrating the flow and small events in our lives.
We loved these themed Calendar Connections.

Here’s a neat list of what’s on sale.
Fun Stuff: National Days
Something for each day of the month – from fun foods to celebrating summer treats to justice issues to historical landmarks.
We love reading about Catholic saints and Celtic saints and sometimes do spiritual activities. And we also talk about how white saviors and missionaries weren’t the best for indigenous peoples.
July is a great month for flowers, berries, foraging, and hiking.
We read lots of summer books and make cool salads and fruit icies.
1st: Canada Day
2nd: UFO day
We don’t really focus on Independence Day/4th of July like I did when the kids were younger. We usually grill food and hang out as a family. We occasionally watch local fireworks. We don’t display the American flag. This is very odd to most Europeans who don’t display their flags except maybe at football matches. We know where we live. We are not nationalists. See my July 4th Unit.
4th: Caesar Salad Day!
5th: Hawaii Day. See our Hawaiian travels when we lived in Hawaii for three years.
6th: Fried chicken day.
9th: Cow Appreciation Day at Chick-Fil-A
10th: Teddy Bears’ Picnic Day
Piña Colada day. I also like the pineapple coconut smoothies with mango or strawberries.
7-11 free Slurpees!
13th: International Rock Day. See our rocks and minerals unit.
14th: Shark Awareness Day. See our shark unit.
Macaroni and Cheese Day. See my easy stove top recipe.
15th: St. Swithin’s Day: If it rains on St. Swithin’s Day, it will rain for 40 days, but if it is fair, 40 days of fair weather will follow. St. Swithin was bishop of Winchester from 852 to 862.
17th: Tattoo day
19th: Ice Cream Day!
22nd: Hot dog day
29th: chicken wing day
30th: cheesecake day