Physical education is so important, but often overlooked by homeschool families.
I want my kids to be healthy inside and out, and being active is a part of a healthy lifestyle.
In this world of planned playdates and scheduled activities, I want my kids to have fun and freedom to play and learn how to stay active for the rest of their lives.
I have to model healthy activity if I want my kids to be active.
I can’t just tell them to go outside while I sit at my computer or watch Netflix. I often go for a walk while they rollerblade or scooter or we all walk as a family after dinner. I plan hikes in the woods or a local nature center. I don’t force my kids to play team sports, but I try my best to offer that option. When we have bad weather or it’s very cold, we stay active in more creative ways.

How We Do PE
Outside Play
I encourage my children to spend time outdoors at least 30 minutes each day, no matter the weather. Sometimes, this is hard…and other times, I have to drag them inside to eat or bathe or go to bed.
We’re thankful we live in a neighborhood where they can roam and be kids.
They like to rollerblade, ride bikes, and scooter around the neighborhood.
They play with hula hoops and jump ropes.
We have wiffle balls and scoops and frisbees.
We sometimes do fun things like obstacle courses.
They often wander the woods behind our house and play in the creek and come home with ropes and ropes of daisy and clover chains.
Their friend down the street has a pool and they learned to swim this summer.
Team Sports
I’m not big into sports, and my kids have tried almost all of it, with varying results.
The kids used to do gymnastics. My eldest participated in Civil Air Patrol and they have a PT program.
My youngest daughter is playing recreational soccer.
My son loves baseball, and plays on a rec team in the fall and spring. He tried out for some elite leagues, but isn’t quite strong enough yet.
Family Activities
We love to go hiking and exploring and do nature study at local parks and playgrounds, state parks, and natural areas.
We often go bowling, usually for free summer bowling or for celebrations.
During bad weather, we often join a homeschool group at a trampoline park.
The kids have gone ice skating each winter.
We’ve gone snow sledding during the winter. Climbing back up is a workout!
We love homeschool park and gym days.
My teen daughter and I used to go the base gym each week.
Our local YMCA offers great deals throughout the year on classes and events for families and homeschoolers.
I was a part of a family workout group one year for moms and kids and that was super fun. Stroller fit is a good one for moms with young kids.
Family Time Fitness offers lots of PE options for families.
Inside Play
I try to make sure my kids get outside a little while every day, but still, it’s sometimes cabin fever in the winter or rainy season.
We have a Wii with active games like Sports and Just Dance.
I often turn on a Spotify playlist and have a dance party or do a big house cleaning.
I feel it’s super important to model healthy activity to my kids so we’re all leaving a healthy legacy.
How do you stay active year round?
Also, check out Health for High School Homeschool Credit.