Planners help us stay organized
I help my kids learn to manage their time with planners and checklists.
I love checklists and calendars.
What do you need in a blog planner?
- Year-at-a-glance
- 1-page monthly calendar
- 2-page monthly calendar
- Monthly calendar – lined
- Monthly calendar – lined (2 posts per day)
- Monthly to-do/monthly goals list
- 1-page week-at-a-glance
- 2-page week-at-a-glance
- Ideas for future posts
- Ideas for future posts by category
- Project/post planner
- Yearly stats
- Social media tracker (all on one page)
- Pinterest tracker
- Facebook tracker
- Google+ tracker
- Link-Up tracker
- Affiliate info tracker
- Reviews & Giveaways tracker
- Guest/contributor posts (incoming & outgoing)
- Blog post checklist
- Daily blogger checklist
- Review checklist
- Giveaway checklist
- Advertisers/Sponsors tracker
- Expenses/Earnings page
- Long term goals
- Notes page
- Binder spine
The Ultimate Blog Plan (love these colors!)
The Ultimate FREE blog planner
9 FREE pages + 52 addl pages in extended planner
Simple and functional