God hears us.
He knows our names and He knows what delights us.
Even when we’re discouraged and the devil’s lies seem louder than our own faith, He listens and comforts with His Word.
This week has been a series of missed appointments, let-downs, not-good-enough’s and oh-woe-is-me’s. I felt depression seeping in and I wanted to just stop fighting.
I felt less-than and not measuring up to the standards I set for myself.
My children noticed. My husband was at a loss as to how to help. {But cupcakes are always welcome.}

Jesus is God’s love letter to us.
We have His Word, which is more than many people have in this world. We can read scriptures to learn about God and encourage our hearts.
I had just mentioned to my family that I hadn’t seen any hummingbirds this year and they must’ve passed us by somehow.
The the other morning, he came and hovered and chittered at me for quite a full minute. He didn’t even drink from the feeder. Then there were two more and they fought over the feeder rights. I sat on my deck in awe and delight watching these little war machines zoom back and forth and scold each other.
God knows what delights us and He knows when we need a faith boost.
This afternoon in the minivan, hot and tired, driving home with my three little kids from soccer physicals and sign-ups, grocery shopping, gassing up the van…
I broke down in God’s presence. His love surrounded me. I was overwhelmed with gratitude.
God’s Word reminds me…
- my children are super healthy and apparently in the minority for being that way – at this particular clinic. The staff and doctor were impressed with my kids’ lifestyles and health. I doubt they see many kids without problems. I saw two babies with oxygen tanks in the waiting room and several unruly and obese kids.
- I bought healthy produce, dairy items, and chicken at the commissary and stayed under budget! I bought everything I need on two aisles. It was a quick in-and-out with 3 kids in tow.
- my kids asked for purple cabbage, carrots, and lemons instead of soda or candy at the store. I am so thankful that my kids make healthy choices. They asked me to read them “bad ingredients” on the canned lemonade, snack cakes, and candy in the checkout aisle. Wide-eyed, they asked if we could make healthier, natural versions of treats when we got home. We had grilled chicken legs, fruit, and salad (with that purple cabbage) for dinner!
- even though I am discouraged by our debt – and things breaking and surprise needs that are popping up, I am plugging away and being obedient to our plan and goals. The devil lies!
- listening to encouraging Christian music in the minivan helps me to focus on God and my family and our blessings rather than continue to be negative.
It’s important to learn how to let go and let be. The Holy Spirit is powerful indeed.
How to Experience God’s Love
- Nature. I love experiencing Creation.
- Prayer. See how I pray.
- Reading Scripture
- Reading about God, Scripture, Church History
- Reading Poetry and Lovely Books
- Loving Yourself
- Loving Others
- Hospitality
- Serving Others