We learned about teeth this week!
I found some really fun science, crafts, games, and activities for us to learn about dental health.
We’re using Exploring Creation with Human Anatomy and Physiology by Apologia as our primary text. We love the fun experiments and learning activities.
We learned about stained teeth with an egg and cola.

Alex demanded an experiment page like his sisters. And he did awesome!

The kids made predictions and drew their ideas. Kate drew a time lapse of the egg sinking, changing colors, and then exploding. She’s special like that. Tori drew the egg sinking and turning brown. Alex drew the egg floating.

The egg didn’t explode, much to Kate’s chagrin. It did sink and turn an icky brown.

We used Thieves toothpaste and baking soda to brush the shell. It cleaned off a lot, but not all.

I put the colored egg beside a clean one to show the difference.

The girls did a great job on their science experiment pages.

We learned about cavities.
I stuck a hole in an apple and we watched it turn brown and get soft and rotten.

After one week, it was disgusting:
We placed a tooth in cola and watched it rot. It turned brown and soft.

Alex made a happy fluffy tooth.

We visited the dentist.
The kids (and I) all had dentist appointments – and NO CAVITIES!

We practiced flossing with egg cartons and ribbon.

We labeled teeth drawings.

I found some fun literacy works for the girls – sentences, matching, ABC order.

They played this teeth game with mini marshmallows a gazillion times.

We learned a poem about dental health. Subscribe to the blog for the free download (and others!)
Follow Jennifer’s board Dental Unit on Pinterest.