Our calendar board is a work in progress.
I am forever looking for improvements and changing it to suit our needs.
One side is our monthly themed calendar:
The other side is our circle time morning board.
After this picture was taken, I added a liturgical calendar wheel to help us understand the church calendar.
On the left, I have our pledges to the American flag, Christian flag, and Bible.
In the middle is our Bible verse of the week.
On the left is our theme poem of the month.
We have our themes of the week on the green page: letter, character trait, state, animal, shape, color.
We have a clock, temp, and money chart.
We pray using the acronym ACTS:
Thanksgiving, and
Tori and Katie have calendar notebooks that they do almost daily to help them understand the calendar and themes and whatever else I throw in there that makes sense to us that week or month.
The kids love to learn during our morning circle time. We get so much accomplished – Bible, shapes, colors, animals, money, time, temperature, months and days of the week. I love how much they learn in just a few minutes each morning.
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