Mother’s Day weekend is seldom a holiday. For me, it’s race weekend and Kate’s birthday.
On Saturday, we all piled in the van to go up to Ogden Nature Center. Way too early.
Tori ran a 5K with her dad. She’s our athlete.

It’s a statue. Honestly, I stared at it waiting for it to move. sigh.

There’s a great bird sanctuary at the center.
These lovely ladies were cheering on the runners.

My big boy!

Kate turned 6 years old!

Liz’s attitude has improved tremendously lately. Prayer really works. And we just don’t fall for that whole western tween/teen mentality at all. More on that later.

Tori was hurting and didn’t want to finish the second lap.

Perseverance paid off. She was the youngest female in the 5K and got 3rd place for her age group of 1-12 {after two 10 year olds}!

And she got the coolest raffle prize – this little binocular, magnifier, compass thing. I was in the gift shop looking at these to buy one for her when I heard her name called for the raffle. God cares even about the little things.

In the nature center, they have a new teaching beehive. Super cool. Scroll really quick if you don’t want to see them up close.

Pretty shiny golden darlings. Making yummy honey.

The coolest nature sensory evarrrr! I want it. I want Aaron to make me one. Imbedded with mirrors and magnifiers.
Alex thought the snake skins were cool.

It was a lovely day.
and we grabbed a nature camp brochure. Alex is in from when he went last year. aw

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