Every natural remedies cabinet should be well-stocked.
I like to teach my kids how to practice self-care and be proactive about their health. We keep our cabinet well-stocked with natural remedies.
It’s frugal and smart to try to stay healthy year-round with good food, herbs, supplements, teas, and essential oils.
10 natural remedies:
The tea is good ingested and as a humidifier (Put a towel over a steaming bowl and inhale.)
Invigorating. Apply diluted oil to chest, back, feet or diffuse. Great as a shower soother.
Apply diluted tea tree oil topically or diffuse.
Great to soothe sore throats and if you can get local product, the pollen could help with any seasonal discomfort. (Lemon is great with honey!)
Apple Cider Vinegar
ACV has so many amazing benefits. I take a shot every morning.
Raw Garlic
Will shock anything right on out of your system. (Take with ACV for extra oomph!)
Raw Onion
Place a slice on feet and cover with socks. Great for fevers and other ailments.
Lemon, Lavender, and Peppermint trio
Apply 1 drop of each essential oil diluted with a carrier oil to base of the throat twice a day for allergies, congestion, or sinus irritation.
Inhale on palms or diffuse.
You could also get the fresh herbs and some lemon slices for tea or a cold drink with honey!
Lavender is calming. Lemon and Peppermint are invigorating. This trio smells fresh!
Meat Stock
Add a spoonful of ACV to chicken, turkey, or beef bones to get all the nutrients out. Cover with water. Add veggies like carrot, celery, tomato, aromatics like onions, ginger, garlic, and seasoning like peppercorns and salt and herbs. I often use a slow cooker overnight. Smells and tastes great. Soothing and warm. Freezes well.
Elderberry Syrup
I recommend buying at a health food store rather than foraging. We really like the gummies!
What would you add to this remedy list?
We take supplements and cod liver oil every day.
Make sure you eat well, get good sleep, and drink plenty of water to flush out your system and stay healthy!
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