We went to the new Natural History Museum of Utah to explore.
It’s a HUGE place with so many exhibits and collections.
Alex really liked all the skeletons of animals.

Katie loved seeing the bugs. Especially since these weren’t alive.

Sweeping for fossils.

This was a huge gravel pit outside on a patio where the kids could sweep and uncover an entire dinosaur skeleton.

Giant sloth…Sid?!

Alex loved looking through the magnifying glass to see the brine shrimp, er, sea monkeys.

Way to knock out some of our Tapestry of Grace projects at the field trip!
weaving, plied cordage, twining.

A model of layers of an archeological dig of a hut.
It was a playground!

Just a cute pic of my babies.

Watching wind erosion inside a tunnel.

Alex was obsessed with these fact wheels. He just wanted to spin them.

How cool is this? They offered notebooking pages in their science lab for museum attendees to write about their experiences.
Tori drew roly polies and said she likes them. Katie drew beetles and said they were pretty. I love it!

Alex was so exhausted that he fell asleep right as we were pulling into the PF Chang’s parking lot. He did wake up for the rice and noodles though!
Adult $13.00
Senior 65 and over $11.00
Young Adult 13 – 24 $11.00
Child 3 – 12 $9.00
Child 2 and under FREE
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