Letter A Work

Alex already knows all his letters, upper and lowercase, their sounds, his numbers 1-13, all colors (even the weird ones)…so we’re beginning preschool a bit early. He turns 3 on April 1. He’s just started showing an interest in tracing, writing, and making words!
We started calendar time back up again. The girls have a cursive notebook and Alex has his tot time notebook: letters, numbers, and shapes to trace. He LOVES it!

Alex loves to play Starfall with big sister. By the time I got the picture, he was already through letter F, oh well.

Wikki Stix alphabet cards are super fun!

Here’s one of our favorite alphabet resources. It’s fun and comes with foam pieces to make letters.

We working through Raising Rock Stars Preschool, but also still loving the Animal ABCs. And of course, I didn’t get any pictures of Alex completing his A work for those! ugh
We ate lots of apples. The kids prefer Honey Crisp, which, of course, are the most expensive! We did an amazing apple unit back in September.

Tori helps Alex with the Letter A Find It bin. He found the pictures and she found the words.

Alex loves puzzles and he often takes a break from all our school time to sit quietly and do a puzzle alone.

And why reinvent the wheel when Carisa does such amazing work? Here are her letter A ideas…and a Letter A Pinterest Board

He loves All About Reading prelevel 1. Liz usually plays with Ziggy.
A is for alligator. Alex really liked all our alligator works.

5 lil monkeys swinging from the tree, teasing Mr. Alligator: “You can’t catch me!”
Along came Mr. Alligator, quiet as can be, and snapped that monkey right out of that tree!

The big alligator is searching for monkeys to eat in our science bin from last week.

still obsessed with cutting paper…yes, that’s a pink desk. Hand-me-down from sisters. It’s ok because he’s Superman.

Apples! baby apple, daddy apple…and all those other ones. Eventually, Alex named them all after our family.

cutting food is still a favorite

apples again! Alex really liked matching the A apples to the tree

They’re not really cherries…they’re apples, duh

This is how Alex ate his couscous. With a little cymbal clapping cow toy. sigh

Look! coloring and writing! for about 5 whole seconds.

We’re using Animal ABC’s printables with other cards I already have.
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