I’m not into planners with all the stickers and the colored pens and the frills and stuff. It just seems like a big waste of my time.
But I frequently do informal journaling. I don’t feel the pressure to draw in a smashbook or place any stickers in a planner. Having something fancy is just overwhelming.
Journaling is a great way to be cognitive of little successes.
I’m always writing.
I keep a food and exercise journal on my smartphone.
I make notes for future blog posts in several places.
But this past year, and especially this past winter, I’ve gotten lazy and sedentary.
Some days, I look back and it feels like I did virtually nothing.
I recently began journaling my days to realize how much I do accomplish.
I don’t write down every little bitty thing, but I sketch out my day so I can look back and see what I did, because some days, it feels like I just watched Netflix all day.
I have just plain little spiral notebooks for my daily journal.

I read and write a lot.
And sometimes, it feels like I spend most of my time in the kitchen – prepping, cooking, and cleaning.

I was sick for a week, so I didn’t actually do so much. I needed to really rest and recharge. There wasn’t much to write about.
Then, I got back into gear.

Most of these aren’t great accomplishments by most standards, but they help me to feel better about how I spend my days.
I try to be peaceful and use my time wisely.
I don’t like to be busy or rushing. I like to move in easy rhythms with the seasons and holidays.
I love the daily examen from St. Ignatius:
1. Become aware of God’s presence.
2. Review the day with gratitude.
3. Pay attention to your emotions.
4. Choose one feature of the day and focus prayer around it.
5. Look toward tomorrow.
Download an Examen prayer card here.
I have some simple daily goals:
I want to read, exercise, complete lessons and read alouds and Bible study with my kids.
I also have a prayer journal.
I write scripture every day with monthly themed plans from Sweet Blessings.
I write prayers and praises – with dates so I can go back and look at it.
I write my exercises and travel experiences.
I recently got a recipe journal to track our favorite meals since I always tweak the recipes and forget.

Journaling is a great way to relax and keep track of events, milestones, thoughts, dreams…
Make a list of things you do every day.
Make a list of things that make you happy.
Compare the lists.
Adjust accordingly.
How journaling helps me:
- Stress relief – it helps me to stay peaceful.
- Personal growth – it helps me to learn about myself.
- Helps clarify my thoughts and emotions – it helps me to work out issues with my past and present.
- Problem solving – it helps me to be metacognitive.
- Purge emotions – I can write about troublesome issues privately.
A Baker’s Dozen Reasons to Journal:
- Exercise log
- Foods you’ve eaten, especially to rule out allergies or sensitivities, or to save favorite recipes
- Quotes you love
- Travel
- Art
- Nature
- Poetry
- Books you’ve read or want to read
- Movies you’ve watched or want to watch
- Memories
- Wines or beers you’ve loved
- Daybook or daily log
- Prayer and/or Scripture
I do bullet-journaling. I enjoy it so much, but I don’t really do fancy artwork -I have no time for that. But I do color in my boxes of my to-do lists with fuschia!
Great post, Jennifer. I love to journal and faithfully journaled daily in the past. Recently, I started again. I enjoy looking back at entries and the dates at what God was teaching me or what things I went through. Former entries are always reminders of God’s faithfulness and care for me. And examen prayer cards is new to me. Thanks for this post. Visiting from #RaRaLinkup. :-)
I’m a journaler, too. I sometimes take a break from it, but always come back as writing helps me focus, process, remember and stay on track. Thanks for sharing!
Ive journaled for years. It’s a great way to look back at growth and what God has done in your life.
That is such a great idea to make a list of what you do during the day. I have been wanting to write ‘to do” lists to help me accomplish more. I love the daily examen from St. Ignatius. I don’t currently journey. I need to get back into it. Thank you for reminding me to start journaling again!
I recently purchased a beautiful planner with stickers, etc. But I have hardly had the time to do a layout. It’s great to get into the practice of journaling, especially the more simplified versions. I think I need to start somewhere. Thank you for sharing this information.
I journal informally as well. It’s good not only for the day I’m in, but it’s also enlightening to go back a year later and see what God was doing at that time. Thanks for sharing how this works for you, Jennifer. It can give all of us fresh ways to journal.
Great lists, Jennifer. I’ve kept journals to each of my children, but haven’t written in them for years. I need to update them. I write in them every so often, and eventually they’ll be given to them. I keep lists, but more to-do type lists. I do want to start keeping a prayer journal again though. Thanks for sharing. :)
Great ideas. One of my favorite journaling concepts comes from Julia Cameron, author of “The Artist’s Way.” She calls it Morning Pages. It really changed my life.
I’ll have to check that out! Thanks!
I’m a huge journaler too. it totally helps me process my thoughts and purge the intensity. I highly recommend it!
I started writing a quick journal with what my kids are doing or if they do/say something funny. I don’t do it every single day, but fairly regularly so far. Thank you for linking up with us at the #HomeMattersParty this week.
I need to faithful journal more. I love your suggestions and reasons for journaling. Thanks for sharing with us on the LMMLinkup.
I need to journal more. I rarely give myself credit for all I accomplish in a day and I sometimes feel a bit overwhelmed. Pinning your post. Thank you for sharing this great inspiration with us at the Hearth and Soul Link party, Jennifer.
PS – I will be featuring this post at Hearth and Soul this week! Thank you again for sharing.
I love this!! Thanks for sharing other ideas for journaling and how it can help many aspects of our lives!! Thanks for linking up :)