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  1. You and your family have taken some strong measures to make sure the reason for the season is in focus and the priority over all the other “stuff” that tends to distract us, Jennifer. I am taking those kinds of measures too but am an empty-nester, so it seems a bit easier for me now than when my kids were under-roof. Thanks for sharing your wise approach with us!

  2. I love the holidays, but i have to admit the luster is gone on much of it b/c of the obligation that comes with it. Buy gifts, wrap gifts, cook meals, make cookies, go to events and on it goes. I like your suggestion to move toward simplicity. I’m going to try to keep that word in mind. thanks

  3. Jennifer, are you familiar with Dr. Michelle Bengtson and her wonderful book HOPE PREVAILS? I believe this book will help you tremendously. xo

  4. I love the picture you paint of a truer holiday season. Why on earth do we rob ourselves of the heavenly joys available in a humbler, kinder celebration of our Savior. Thanks for your heartfelt honesty!

  5. Wow, this is exactly how I feel. I’m not a big party person and we’ve cut way back on gift giving. We also talked to the kids and they prefer family activities over unnecessary gifts.

  6. I’m sorry this is a time of struggling for you. We tend to go for experiences rather than things with our family as well. It’s really made Christmas a time my legally grown children (they’ll always be my children) want to come home! I love that! May God grant you the peace and simple joys of this season!

  7. Sorry that you find this time of year so hard. It’s definitely the time of year when I start thinking more and more about my dear Dad who we lost 5 years ago. It can be a hard thing to deal with that loss in what is supposed to be such a happy time. Sending hugs. Thanks for linking up with #TwinklyTuesday

  8. Jennifer, you are more on target than you think. What if I told you that Jesus celebrated the season by lighting candles and praying? He did, we have proof in the scriptures that he celebrated Hanukkah. What if I told you that Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow. He never changes and he never okayed what we call Christmas. God gave us the appointed holidays and feast days and the scriptures say we are to celebrate these forever. It is something to think about isn’t it. God bless you and may your and your family be blessed this season. Thank you for sharing at Home Sweet Home.

Please see my suggested resources.

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