We had fun in the sun this month!
My son came running inside to tell me: “I found a holy poly. Come take a picture!”
But he wouldn’t touch it. Nope.

Our home garden is growing.
We’re a military family who has always rented and we are so fortunate to be able to play in this yard and have some freedom to do what we want.
We have a small garden patch for vegetables.
I have herbs in our little front courtyard.
I love flowers and have various bulbs, perennials, and annuals in the yard.

I’m excited to see strawberries soon!

I saw a Pinterest thing about using rotisserie containers as greenhouses. Voilà.

We shall have colorful flowers soon! Dad likes to garden. I like to enjoy the fruits of his labor.
Fluffy little flower seeds.

Showing Alex the tiny seeds that will grow into pretty flowers.

Liz being silly planting my new rosemary plant.

She stole my garden clogs. And who gave her permission to grow so tall all of a sudden?!

Alex helped Dad plant the tomatoes and peppers

Planting radishes. I think one grew and the other seeds were duds.

lots o’ peppers: jalapeño, habanero, Serrano, and several colors of bell. They like the warmth of the cinder blocks and box planter.

Tulips! I love tulips. I think those purple pointed ones are favorites.

And some red tulips on the other side of the yard…

Little brother pulling his big sisters around the awesome nursery when we bought the garden plants.

Tori was impressed with all the varieties of thyme and lavender. She also loves the essential oils we use.

Tori and Kate argued that it’s more cost-effective to just purchase this Honeycrisp apple tree than to continue to pay almost $4/lb for the apples at the store. Yes, if we could stay put and not rent.

This killdeer limped, displayed his feathers, and squawked at us to get away from his nest!

Garden Resources:
- Grow herbs on a sunny windowsill
- Visit a community garden
- Visit a botanical garden
- Visit a nature center
- Go hiking and observe the plants you see
- Learn about different seasons and what grows when
- My Gardening Pinterest board
- Learn about Seeds
- Container Gardening
- Learn about Canning and Preserving Garden Foods
- Garden Preschool Pack from Homeschool Creations
- Garden Planner Pages from Hip Homeschool Moms
- These fun printables to focus on gardening
- 123 Homeschool 4Me
- Homeschooling Hearts and Minds
- In All You Do
- Living Montessori Now
- The Natural Homeschool
- My Humble Kitchen
- The Happy Housewife
- Starts at Eight
- Homeschool Share
- Homeschool Den

What beautiful pictures of your family gardening! I’ve tried growing vegetables many times with my kids and have failed, except for a tomato plant that grew in profusion in a half barrel on my porch one year. Those were flavorful tomatoes!
Wow! What fun to see your garden going in and your visit to the nursery! This is a great example to everyone on how to get it all started. Thanks for sharing your entry with the OHC Carnival.
Thanks! We’ve had nice weather early this year and we’re taking advantage!