Alex is busy, busy, busy!
He loves helping me make dinner and he loves to cut veggies with own little doggie knife!
He was SO excited to color with markers and watercolors with his sisters!
We tried to learn about seasons and appropriate clothing. This game lasted only a few seconds and he was “done.”
Our fall sensory bins. Alex loved playing with these clear plastic acorns and pumpkins on his light table.
I raided the dollar spot at Target. Lots of great stuff!
H is for hippo. We started I for Iguana. We watched videos on BBC about hippos and iguanas. He actually narrated to Dad what he learned!
These little beetles took over the park. They were all different shades and patterns of red and orange and black. I think they’re fire bugs. Perfect name.
Alex loves watching Abby and Dinosaur Train and Diego.
Alex says he’s DONE WITH NAPS. Lord help me.
Alex’s attention span is about non-existent. I hope that changes over the next few months. Our schedule has been crazy keeping up with him and trying to get the girls’ schooling completed and chores done. He begs for constant companionship. He will not play alone so someone always has to be with him. This makes for sporadic lessons. Right now, it’s barely working for us.
Tori, Katie, and I do morning school with Alex while Liz gets her math, Greek, and other work completed. When she’s ready, she takes Alex outside or somewhere to play while I get some reading and lessons done with the girls. Then we have lunch and we try to get “one more thing” done after that. Some days we do. Often, Liz completes some history or science and the girls play with Alex.
So, this means no rest time or alone time for Mama or the girls.
Can you say exhausted?
Linking up: Kids Activities Blog, The Resourceful Mama, Life of Faith, Written Reality, Kiddy Charts, The Educators Spin On It, ABC Creative Learning, Living Montessori Now, Simple Life of a Fire Wife, Los Gringos Locos, Growing Hands on Kids, JBMumofOne,
[…] Here are some links to some Fall Tot Packs. Alex is already beyond most of it. And here’s our fall sensory bin. […]