My daughter and I came up with this idea to organize all our morning circle time things in one place.
A convenient morning basket for kids (and moms) for quiet time.
This was great when my kids were very young, and we still incorporate lots of this now that my kids are teens and tweens.
I still love beginning our day with morning circle time.
We all come together as a family on the living room sofas after breakfast for read alouds, prayer, Bible study, scripture reading, missionary stories, music, and more.
What’s in our morning basket?
Bible Study
My daughter and I have read the Bible in 90 Days. On their website, they have reading schedules for kids.
We’ve done SOAP journals. (S.O.A.P. stands for Scripture, Observation, Application and Prayer.)
She did a reading plan through Hands On Bible .
I am NOT a morning person, so we often “do” Bible in the afternoon or evening if we have a busy day.
We did Leading Little Ones to God one year.
Glow in the Dark Fish is a nice book for families.
We’ve read through The Dig.
We’ve completed The Talk series about biblical sex ed.
We often read a proverb and psalm every day (there are 31 of those guys, so that works out nicely most months…)
I need to find something short (Sure, I’d love to meditate and pray for hours on end, but let’s be honest… Who has time for that?) and powerful to do for my own devotional time. I’ve been reading and praying and journaling before bedtime. Mamas have to fit it in when we can. It’s sometimes so hard, especially when dad is deployed and I’m exhausted from doing it all.
Great Kids Bibles:
Scripture Memory
Learning and memorizing scripture is so important for our future faith.
The girls loved My ABC Bible Verses and these printable cards.
We also loved Songs for Saplings and printables.
SEEDS Family Worship were also good for a while with these printables.
We have a Charlotte Mason Bible Scripture memorization box. The kids read the cards to us at dinner each night. Each prays for a missionary from missionary prayer cards.
I love short and sweet prayer books for moms and kids.
I still love The Power of a Praying Mom and Praying Circles Around Your Children.
We had the whole set of Baby’s First Prayers. (also Nativity and Bible)
We also have a prayer cube.
My daughter made this darling little prayer wheel in AWANA last week and we will incorporate that into our Bible time.

Missionary Stories
We love reading and learning about missionaries. We love historical reading and learning about heroes of the faith.
We loved Hero Tales.
We now read through Christian Heroes missionary stories along with our chronological history reading.
Character study
I think I’m going to start stepping it up with some character traits study. While we often address character as it comes up in our Bible reading and homeschool studies, sometimes, it’s good to have a theme each week too and see how we can incorporate that into our relationships.
Homeschool Share has some great lapbooks.
These are some awesome character cards to use in all sorts of ways.
Education Cubes really engages the kids!
Music, Art, and Poetry
We often include a hymn, classical composer, or a folk song.
We love incorporating our picture study into morning circle time.
We love to read poetry that coincides with our chronological history. We also read poetry and listen to classical music with tea time.
Our circle time and basket is ever evolving as we grow and update. It’s a great resources for all ages – kids and parents!
How do you incorporate Bible study with little ones?
- Card File Box
- Tabbed and Regular Index Cards
- My Princess Bible by Andy Holmes
- Little Boys Bible Storybook for Mothers and Sons by Carolyn Larsen
- Hands-On Bible
- Sword Fighting by Karyn Henley
- The Child’s Story Bible by Catherine F. Vos
- The Golden Children’s Bible
- Teaching the Trinity
Ha! Love how if there aren’t 31 days, you don’t have to feel guilty! :)
Doesn’t everyone feel guilty after they read Proverbs 31? How was she never irritable or exhausted?