August is the end of summer and usually back to school time for many of us.
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When my kids were very small, we had monthly themes on our bulletin board, for our homeschool lessons, and to order our daily lives.
As the kids get older, the themes aren’t quite so vivid. I enjoy the liturgical calendar, the natural cycles of the world, and celebrating the flow and small events in our lives.
We loved these themed Calendar Connections.

Fun Stuff: National Days
We love reading about Catholic saints and Celtic Saints and sometimes do spiritual activities. And we also talk about how white saviors and missionaries weren’t the best for indigenous peoples.
Celebrating Lammastide is a great goodbye to summer and welcome to fall.
August is a great month to purge old clothes and toys, minimize, organize for fall.
Here’s a neat list of what is on sale .
Second Saturday in August is National Bowling Day and National Garage Sale Day
A fun back to school unit.
August is American Artist Appreciation Month. See my art Pinterest board and how we do art in our homeschool.
August is National Eye Exam Month. See my Back to School Eye Health Tips.
2nd: Coloring Book Day, Friendship Day, Sisters Day
3rd: Watermelon Day. We love these fruity icies!
4th: Chocolate Chip Cookie Day! Here’s my favorite chocolate chip cookie recipe.
7th International BEER DAY! Also water balloon day
8th: National Sneak Some Zucchini Into Your Neighbor’s Porch Day!
9th: Book Lover Day (Isn’t that every single day?)
11th: Presidential Joke Day (isn’t that every day since the 2016 election?)
13th: Lefties Day!
14/15: V-J Day
Third Saturday in August World Honey Bee Day
19th: Aviation Day. See my Wright Brothers Unit Study.
28th: Red Wine Day
Rainbow Bridge Remembrance Day on August 28th sets aside a day to remember the pet companions we’ve lost. We’re a cat family.
On August 30, National Grief Awareness Day recognizes the time it takes to heal from loss doesn’t have a prescribed course and is a reminder closure comes in many forms. When a loved one dies, the void they leave affects everyone differently.
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