Advertising with Jennifer Lambert
I blog at about my adventurous life and faith-filled experiences – a forty-something military wife and homeschooling mother. I share details of our homeschooling adventure along with life experiences and faith challenges affecting our daily life. I focus on travel and natural health.
You can find me on Twitter @JenALambert, as well as my Facebook fan page.
I am also very active on Pinterest and Instagram.
Blog Stats*
Number of Visits {Sessions}: 9000
Unique Visitors: 8100
Number of Page Views: 11200
Average pages/visit: 1.36 pages
Social Media
Twitter (@JenALambert) has 3k+ followers
My Facebook page has 2700+ likes.
Instagram {@Jenalambert} – 700+
Pinterest – 12k+ followers
YouTube Channel – 70 subscribers
Email updates to 450+ weekly subscribers.
I have banner ads, sponsored posts, and project opportunities. Contact me for my media kit.
I only take on advertisers whom I can endorse completely. We love to do product and service reviews!
Need more information? Contact me:
*All traffic stats are from Google Analytics and cover the previous 30 days, updated on 12/15/2020