Kids in 4th grade are so helpful and knowledgeable. They can do so much! They read and write fluently. They’re so eager. They start to become quite independent.
I highly recommend the books by Louise Bates Ames. A good guide to follow is What Your Fourth Grader Needs to Know: Fundamentals of a Good Fourth-Grade Education by E.D. Hirsch, Jr.

My eldest in 4th grade:
- Tapestry of Grace 4 for humanities
- Apologia Flying Creatures
- Singapore Math 4
My middle girls in 4th grade:
- Tapestry of Grace 4 for humanities
- Great Depression Unit Study
- Apologia Astronomy and Botany
- Backyard Pond Unit Study
- Singapore Math 4
- Life of Fred

My son in 4th grade:
- Tapestry of Grace 4 for humanities
- Apologia Chemistry and Physics
- Singapore Math 4
- Life of Fred
- Prima Latina
- Wright Brothers Unit Study

I love seeing my kids grow in late elementary and begin asking hard questions and critical thinking.
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