When I heard we could go see an IMAX about Pangaea for FREE, I was excited.
And the Clark Planetarium is always free. This doesn’t get any better!

All we had to do was make clay dinosaurs since the IMAX is Claymation. Easy peasy!

The nifty electricity ball

Working on their scavenger hunts from the planetarium’s website.

A really cool projector-illuminated Earth…

We saw meteors, moon rocks, and Mars rocks.
Katie is irritated with me here that I interrupted her “scavenging.”

Display of different kinds of space rocks

Alex was fascinated by the pendulum that showed the movement of Earth

The movie was great.
We had popcorn, slushies, candy, and it was 3D!
Alex did really well sitting still and watching it and keeping his glasses on.
The film was snarky and fun and Claymation!
It gave us some opportunities to have conversation about Creationism and evolution and dinosaurs.
We just learned about Pangaea in our science book!