That crazy whirlwind of a summer.
It actually began with Aaron’s deployment being canceled upon the sudden passing of his father. That was the catalyst to change my life forever and always.
Since there was no position available for Aaron at his current base, they pushed up his PCS. I had to quit my job teaching college English and prepare to move from Georgia to Texas immediately.
The day the movers arrived, I discovered I was pregnant with Victoria.
When we arrived in Texas in late June, I could not find any position in education anywhere in the city of San Antonio. Because I wasn’t fluent in Spanish.
As fall approached, we realized we had to make some hard, quick decisions.
We couldn’t afford to place Elizabeth in day care or private school if I couldn’t work. Her October birthday held her back from beginning kindergarten at the public school.
I knew I would have Victoria in the spring and it would interfere with work if I found a job.
I’d like to say we prayed through this, but we didn’t really discuss our decisions with God. He did do a great job of slamming all doors so we would listen, though.

We decided I would stay home for a year or two and keep Elizabeth home with me and teach her. The plan was that she would eventually attend school after the primary grades. Then we could all go back to “normal.”
Aaron’s family thought we were crazy. Both his parents, both his sisters, and one brother-in-law were all public school teachers. They didn’t like the idea of homeschooling at all.
We submitted to having Liz tested by one of their teacher friends. Liz tested very high on everything, over third grade in reading at only age five.
They were satisfied.
As I taught Liz at home that first year of homeschooling, I realized she was getting smarter, more independent, and more creative. The gap between her and other school children her age was widening instead of narrowing. I knew it would be much more difficult for her to reintegrate into a school environment.
I realize that all those changes that summer, while at the time totally stressing us out, were molding us into the family God wanted us to be. He knew best what we needed and where we needed to be and what we should be doing. Over the years, we have learned that we cannot rely on others – family or friends – but that only leaning on God for our guidance brings us success.
My husband and I grew up in a time when the only homeschool families we knew were rather strange, and we certainly didn’t want that stigma. I didn’t grow up in a Christian home so the Über fundamentalist homeschoolers I met didn’t appeal to me. Many homeschoolers I met those first few years helped me to set goals of what I didn’t want for my family. It was a whole new world, and I felt really prepared on the academic side since I had teacher training and a love for learning. But I was not prepared for the homemaking and parenting shift of being home all day, every day with two – and then three! – little girls. I fought God and my husband tooth and nail for my selfish needs. It was a difficult time for our family while God changed our hearts. It was a tough journey experimenting with curriculum choices, co-ops, and homeschool groups and finally gaining confidence in my teaching abilities and God’s direction for our homeschool.
What began as a one-year experiment simply because I was home with two, then three, young daughters turned into a never-look-back lifestyle. It’s been over ten years, and now we have four little lambs and have homeschooled in four states, plus Germany!
I love your story! We started homeschooling our 4 year old as she was so ready to learn and we knew that with her late birthday, she would have had to wait for kindergarten unitl she was 6. That would have been way too late for her. We continued homeschooling, and as she did so well with that, we went all the way through high school. It gave her a chance to become the creative, self directed college student that she is today! We are so glad that we choose homeeschooling! It has also kept our family relationships strong, even though the college years. She is a senior in college now. I will be sharing your story on my fb page, at BJ’s Homeschool.
Love hearing your story! Thanks!
Wow, what an unexpected journey! I’m learning to love it when God slams doors because His plans (especially the ones we think are just “for now”) can be such gifts! Glad that it is the case with homeschooling for you and your family.
Several of our children are homeschoolers and, while their journey is not quite like yours, there are many similarities. What started out as a necessity, turned out to be a huge blessing!
Thanks, too, for linking up on Mondays @ Soul Survival!
It’s amazing how God weaves our story into His tapestry, and ultimately changes the course of our lives for His glory! I’m glad homeschooling has been a blessing to your family!
I LOVE this beautiful tale of a family given change NOW! I am retired from public school teaching and then as a children’s librarian…and then I tutored privately. Oh, Jennifer, the wonderful experiences I gained through being around and even tutoring one homeschooled child who got behind due to his Mom having to go to work for 3 years and he got lost, fell through some major cracks in the public school. I think homeschooling is the best for so many children. I have teacher friends who hold that same attitude as your in-laws did. But not me. Praise God for His hand upon you and your family as He molded you as He desired.
Caring through Christ, ~ linda
Eventually, all things really do work out for the good of those who love God. If only we’d remember truth more, and stop worrying so much!
I’m very good at trying to go through doors God doesn’t want me too AND not going through the ones he has opened for me! Your story is a great example of God working things out for good! Thank you for sharing. Your #livefree neighbor, Cindy
I never planned to homeschool either. My husband came up with the idea when my oldest was only 2 years old. He had a poor experience in the public school system and believed that it was necessary for us to homeschool at least to an age where the kids could be strong enough to stand firmly in their faith against the assault of the world system. (And of course by “us” he meant “me” – haha!) I’d never before met anyone who homeschooled and knew nothing about it, but after seeking God on the matter, I launched out into this new world convinced that at least I could teach kindergarten, right?! That was 20 years ago and I’ve graduated 2 from high school and about to have a 3rd this year. My youngest will finish up in 2020! And what I discovered is that it’s been the best experience ever! Not that we didn’t have rough times (that’s part of the homeschooling journey, right?) but that I didn’t miss a moment of watching them grow up! No regrets here! Thanks for sharing your story! Love how God guides us even when we don’t want Him too!
Sometimes (OK a lot of times) I have whined and complained so much I couldn’t see God was saying no so He could give me something better than what I wanted! Love seeing how that played out in your story! Blessings!
What a great reminder that God’s plan to always the best, even when we don’t know what it is at the time.
What a beautiful story, Jennifer! God is so sweet to us–even when He’s slamming doors. ❤️ I love how you say God “molded” your family into what He wanted it to be.
Thanks for sharing with us how it all began. Love to hear life stories ??
What a great story – I’m proud of you for taking the time to listen to God. So many keep slamming the doors on Him and then suffer later. It’s a blessing to look back and see the work that He does in our lives, even when we’re not paying attention. :)
I so identified with your story and your message of hope, Jennifer. I too had a summer about 4 years ago where God slammed the doors, and it was a time He used to chisel away at my heart to shape it toward faith even when His hand isn’t visible.
What a wonderful story. IN some sense, it must make it easier on the girls to be homeschooled as it keeps that constant there, rather than having to change schools every time you move. It’s funny how life goes sometimes :) Thanks for linking up with #TwinklyTuesday
Thanks for sharing this great story of yours at Booknificent Thursday on Mommynificent.com!