I see this question a lot:
What is the bare minimum amount of homeschool material to take when we PCS in the middle of a school year?

We usually PCS at the end of summer.
We have been left in the lurch a couple times when we didn’t receive our HHG until after all the homeschool group activities and co-op classes began. I never know if things are going to begin in July, August, or September in a new location!
Here is what we did when we PCSed in April, road tripped from Utah to Georgia, then flew to Germany – over a two-month period.
My kids were 4, 7, 8, and 13.
We don’t use a lot of electronics.
We focus on history and literature.
We hadn’t completed our studies yet for the year so we packed much of it up to take with us, especially since we had some long stretches of time in TLF in Utah on the leaving end and in Germany on the coming end.
We want to limit weight and bulk while bringing as much as we can carry!
We certainly wanted to keep up the basics – The Three R’s:
Reading, wRiting, and aRithmetic!

The kids each had a large backpack with their school things and personal items likes toys and coloring pages.
I loaded up eBooks on the kids’ (and my) iPad minis with the Kindle app. Our first priority was to get library cards at our new location!
My girls had journals to write down and draw about their experiences as we traveled. I also printed fun pages about the places we saw on our trip. They also packed their Logic of English workbooks.
I packed up the kids’ Singapore math workbooks, which fortunately are very lightweight.
Liz was doing Videotext Algebra, so we did work whenever she could get online to view a lesson. I printed some of the worksheets she needed and then emailed more to my husband to print.
I packed Alex’s All About Reading materials with a tiny dry erase board. It was probably the bulkiest item we brought on the trip, but it was worth it to keep him on schedule.
That little dry erase board came in handy for lessons with all the kids!
We did art projects on the fly!
See our Star Wars Angry Birds.

The girls also packed their science and notebooking journals.
I also brought along worldview study (we’re reviewing it!). That came in handy for read-aloud time to a captive audience in the car!
[…] We don’t participate in a co-op because they just don’t work for us. I’m flexible with our schedule since we school year-round. We’ve even homeschooled during a PCS. […]