Comparison is the thief of joy. ~Theodore Roosevelt
I’ve never been very successful meeting other moms at the park or other kid-friendly places.
Somehow, it always goes all wrong. I try to be friendly, but it often falls flat.
On social media, it’s often easier to make friends. But I wonder if I saw this mom or that mom at the park, would they be friendly? Would they look down their noses in disdain or would they feel too embarrassed to approach or return my hello?
Why are we paralyzed by comparison?
Even bloggers stress over the “rules” that say what our header size, sidebar ads, images, font, SEO, etc. should be.
While some rules are well and good, too often they can become stressful, or worse, idols.
But rebellion is just as wrong.
What do we teach our children when we’re paralyzed by comparison?
Do they hear us complain of others? how they look, what they have, what they do?
Sometimes, it’s hard to find balance. It’s hard to feel left out all the time. We have to lean on Jesus when we don’t understand others’ actions or words. It’s hard not to assume, not to jump to conclusions, to bite your tongue instead of lashing back. It’s hard not to rebel against God and man.
I try to be careful with eating and exercise that I don’t teach the wrong message. Being fit and healthy is good stewardship. But my girls already have stereotypes of obesity and I don’t want them to ever think their self-worth is based on their weight.
Do they perceive that they need to change to earn our love?
Do we want to teach them that they’re not good enough?
I rebelled. It wasn’t pretty. My relationship with my parents broke and it’s never been the same. My children suffer from it.
What am I teaching my kids with this attitude?
It shouldn’t matter what others think so much.
We should be mature and try to look at others like Jesus sees them. We should be diligent to teach our children to find the good in others. We need to teach and act out the Golden Rule. We need to be salt and light.
Jesus loves the sinner but hates the sin.
you are loved. you are special. you are beautiful. you are enough.
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